I’ve been interviewed several times on Radio National and 2GB, and most recently about the future of faith:
My professional background includes healthcare, education, publishing and spirituality. I also have degrees in theology and psychology and more than two decades experience in ministry including hospital chaplaincy, pastoral care, workplace chaplaincy, counselling, group facilitation, spiritual guidance, retreat facilitation, and in university teaching as a medical educator. I conduct blessings and funerals when requested and also write eulogies.
I am also the author of a screenplay, a historical drama based on a real-life murder story, currently at fifth draft stage and seeking further development. It has been shortlisted for two competitions, one in Australia, and one in Hollywood. I also researched and wrote a creative non-fiction work, which inspired this screenplay.
I currently work as a University Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Coordinator, and also coordinate a pastoral program for People Living with HIV Aids. I am committed to bringing spirituality to the community in creative ways.
• Bachelor of Theology, Major in Pastoral Ministry, Sydney College of Divinity, 2001.
• Certificate of Pastoral Education, St Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, 1994.
• Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Major, Flinders University, Adelaide, 1980.
• Member of The Australian Society of Authors
• Member of The Australian Writers Guild
•Member of the Tertiary Campus Ministry Association